On January 1, 2019 the European Union revised its energy labels for household appliances, lamps and luminaries, to make them easier to understand and more clearly reflect current market conditions.
Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 setting a framework for energy labelling
Passed in July 2017, this regulation repealed the previous energy labeling regulation, Directive 2010/30/EU. From January 1, 2019, it requires the elimination of the acronyms A+, A++ and A+++, and the introduction of a new, unique and homogeneous label that reintroduces the original categories of A to G.
By reintroducing the original A to G categories, it will make the decision process easier for consumers. The new system has also been designed to better take into account the constantly improving energy efficiency of products, as well as their technological progress, by automatically upgrading them to the next level. It should be noted, the requirements for Classes A and B will be particularly demanding.
New-style energy labels will begin to appear in stores, depending on the product category, from August 2, 2023 and their rollout will be complete by August 2, 2030. The first devices to adopt this label will be washing machines, dishwashers, televisions, refrigerators, lamps, and washer-dryer machines.
European product database for energy labelling (EPREL)
The Regulation also requires, as of January 1, 2019, the creation of a database of products to enable supervising authorities in Member States to enforce labeling and information requirements. Manufacturers are required to load onto the database information relating to any product subject to energy labeling conditions. This database will make it possible for suppliers to review traceability and access technical documentation.
What to do next?
Manufacturers and importers of consumer products into the EU are advised to familiarise with their obligations under Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 setting a framework for energy labelling, and develop processes to ensure ongoing compliance.
The EPREL guidelines explains how to register as new supplier user and how to upload product models in the database.